Henry is a champion for the profession. A long time member of the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI), he is heavily involved in professional training and setting up of professional standards and guidelines. He has been instrumental in bringing together practitioners of Maori, English, and New Zealand Sign Language. He has also been an advisor to many government departments in relation to interpreting and translation policies, access and quality issues. In 2012, he was appointed by the Chief Justice of New Zealand as special advisor to the Cross Bench Committee.
An opinionated advocate of professional organisations and a strong believer in trans-national and multidisciplinary co-operation, Henry is a Past President of NZSTI and is the current President of the International Federation of Translators (FIT).
He is the first council member from New Zealand in FIT’s 60 year history. He was elected onto the FIT Council at the 2008 Shanghai Congress with the 4th highest vote, and onto the Executive Council and Vice-President at the 2011 San Francisco Congress. He is the 13th President of FIT and the first from New Zealand.
He is an active interpreting and translation educator locally, regionally and internationally. Henry has given Keynote addresses in major T&I conferences in Oceania, North America, Europe, Asia and Latin America. He gave the keynote opening at this year’s JIAMCATT in Geneva.