Friday, 18 November 2016

(Links to presentation slides added below)

FromToLecture Theatre
Presentation or event
Education Room
Presentation or event
Morning Session Chair:Juliet Margaret Macan
09:0009:30How to Configure Statistical Machine Translation with Linked Open Data Resources – Ankit Srivastava (Slides)Can you Trust a TM? Results of an Experiment Conducted in November 2015 at CenTraS @ UCL. – Daniela Ford (Slides)
09:3010:20Keynote: “Asset Bubbles, Derivatives, Crisis and Translation. But I won’t talk about Brexit!” – Henry Liu, President, International Federation of Translators (FIT) (Slides)
10:4511:15InterpretBank. Redefining Computer-assisted Interpreting Tools – Claudio Fantinuoli (Slides)Machine Translation & Translator Training: Exploration of Students’ Abilities and Needs – Khetam Alsharou (Slides)
11:1511:45From IATE to IATE 2, or When Technologies are Agents of Change and Means to Improve User Satisfaction – Denis Dechandon (link to "live" copy of Prezi presentation or PDF-save)
Workshop (11:15-11:55):
Interpreters’ Workflows and Fees in the Digital Era
– Anja Rütten (Slides)
11:4512:15Why XLIFF and Why XLIFF 2? – David Filip (Slides)
Workshop (11:55 - 12:35):
Lost for Words - Maximizing Terminological Quality and Value at an LSP
– David Calvert (Slides)
12:1512:45A Crowd-sourced Comparative Evaluation of Phrase-Based SMT and Neural Machine Translation – Joss Moorkens (Slides)
12:4514:15LunchLunch +
Poster (13:35 - 13:55): "Combining Different Tools to Build a Semi-supervised Data Collection Model to Increase MT Quality and Performance" – Mark Unitt (Slides)
Afternoon Session Chair:João Esteves-Ferreira
14:1514:45From CATs to KATs – Félix do Carmo (Slides)(14:00 - 17:00)
Lexical Computing
Gold Sponsor
Workshops -

1. Introduction to Sketch Engine for Translators and Terminologists

2. Sketch Engine for Translation and Terminology: Interfacing Corpora with CAT Tools

– Miloš Jakubíček & Ondřej Matuška
14:4516:45Panel debate: “Professional Translation in a Pre-Singularity World” Panellists: Joanna Drugan, Mikel Forcada, Alan Melby, Dieter Rummel, David Wood. Moderator: Olaf-Michael Stefanov. (Slides: Moderator's intro slides, David Wood's slides, Alan Melby's slides, Mikel Forcada's slides, Joanna Drugan's slides)
17:1517:30Prizes and Closing – President, Coordinator and Chairs
AsLing President João Esteves-Ferreira announced that AsLing would award the presenter of the talk found to be the best, on the basis of returned conference evaluation forms, one free attendance at next year's (2017) TC39 conference.
Gold Sponsor, MateCat, and Silver Sponsor, SDL, awarded prizes to individual participants.
Next year's 39th Translating and the Computer conference will take place in London on 16 and 17 November 2017.