First the Computer, then Internet and more recently the Cloud, are changing and modelling expectations and processes in the Language and Localization industry. These are accompanied by new requirements for Standards and Intercompatibility. The digital age is modifying the concept of text and quality. Content is a key item together with strings, chunks, segments and words.
ASLING is seeking submissions that address questions such as:
- How does what you propose affect demand and supply of language services?
- Does it provide a new or expanded toot to meet new and evolving demands?
- Which resources does it address or provide, and how does it help manage them?
- How does what you propose affect translators and other language professionals?
- What training will be necessary to implement and make best use of what you propose?
ASLING sought poster proposals including, but not limited to:
Translation technology (on and off-line)
- Memories
- Corpora (use of, data collection and structuring)
- Workflow (preprocessing, postprocessing and feedback loops, progress tracking)
- Quality Assurance (revision aids, standards, processes and metrics)
Fit for purpose translation (professional, human, automatic, Biting self-service)
Machine Translation and Post Editing (technological advances, user interfaces, real-world case studies)
Collaborative and Crowdsourced Translations
Translation of real-time, user-generated content
Translation of the spoken word (video, audio, interpreting)
Standards (interoperability, return on investment, impact on quality)
- Juliet Macan, Arancho Doc srl. (Lead Chair 2014)
- Joao Esteves- Ferreira, Tradutex, International Association for Quality Translation
- Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton
- Olaf-Michael Stefanov, United Nations (ret), JIAMCATT
- Alain Desilets, National Research Council of Canada (NR
- David Chambers, World Intellectual Property Organisation (ret)
- Gloria Corpas Pastor, University of Malaga
- Estelle Delpech, Nomao
- David Filip, LRC, CNGL, LT-Web, University of Limerick
- Pamela Mayorcas, FITI
- Paola Valli, CLS 4-Text, University of Trieste
- Nelson Verastegui, International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
- Nicole Adamides
The conference committee seeks original unpublished papers on all aspects of using computer hardware and software to assist in translation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to those listed above. Papers may report on research, on commercial translation products as well as users and actual implementations.
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of a maximum of 750 words of the paper they would like to present, together with a short 200 word abstract and short biography. While the extended abstract is limited to 750 words (longer papers will NOT be considered), it should provide sufficient information to allow evaluation of the submission by the committee. The short abstracts of accepted papers will be used for online programme and event advertising.
Abstracts must be submitted via the START conference submission system: [URL no longer valid – deleted].
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their submissions by 22 August 2014. Authors whose submissions are accepted for oral poster session presentation will subsequently be expected to submit a full length poster paper (maximum 1,500 words) for inclusion in the conference proceedings, which will be produced on CD for conference delegates. These final poster papers should be submitted by 3 November 2014 for inclusion planning for the proceedings, and must then be submitted in final camera-ready form by 14 November 2014, in order to be included in the conference proceedings. At least one presenter will be required to register for the conference and pay a reduced registration fee.
21 July 2014 – deadline for abstracts
22-25 August 2014 – all authors notified of decision
3 November 2014 – speakers’ full paper to be submitted
14 November 2014 – speakers’ presentations to be submitted
27-28 November 2014 – conference takes place in London