Friday 27 November schedule

 Thursday schedule  

Lecture Theatre
Ground level
Education Room
Marble Hall & Gallery level
9:00 – 9:15 Brief start of Day-2, including brief overview of the day’s workshops and Posters (Session Chair)

followed by a Thought Leadership talk on “MT as an integrated component of the traditional CAT tool
by Andrea Stevens, from our Silver Sponsor: SDL

9:15 – 9:45 Evaluation of English to Spanish MT output of Tourism 2.0 consumer-generated reviews with post-editing purposes
Miguel Ángel Candel Mora

9:20 – 10:15

Silver Sponsor – SDL – Workshop:

Best Practices for SMT Post-Editing

moderated by Valeria Filippello

9:45 – 10:15 The use of CAI tools in interpreters’ training: a pilot study
Bianca Prandi
10:15 – 10:35 Break
10:35 – 11:25 KEYNOTE: Breaking Down Language and Hearing Barriers. A behind the scenes look into near real-time speech to speech translation
Will Lewis
11:25 – 11:55 The catcher in the CAT. Playfulness and self-management in the use of CAT tools by professional translators
Anne Estellés and/or Esther Monzó Nebot
Gold Sponsor – Kilgray – Workshop:

How to get the best out of memoQ

moderated by Angelika Zerfass

Part 1 of a workshop (continued after lunch)

11:55 – 12:25 The ALST project: technologies for audiovisual translation
Anna Matamala
12:25 – 13:55 Lunch 2 Poster presentations will take place during Lunch break:

The Use of Machine Translation and Post-editing among Translation Service Providers in Spain
Olga Torres, Celia Rico and Miguel Ángel Candel Mora

Co-authors: Ramon Piqué, Marisa Presas Corbella, Pilar Sánchez-Gijón, Adrià Martín Mor, Pilar Cid Leal, Anna Aguilar-Amat,  and Amparo Alcina Caudet

Let the EAGLES fly into new standards: Adapting our CAT tool evaluation methodology to the ISO 25000 series
Marianne Starlander

13:55 – 14:25 Improving Translator Competencies by Teaching Statistical Machine Translation: Evidence and Experiences from University, LSP, Public Service, and Community Training Programmes
Stephen Doherty
13;55 – 14:50 Gold Sponsor – Kilgray – Workshop:

How to get the best out of memoQ

moderated by Angelika Zerfass

Part 2 of a workshop (continued from before lunch

14:25 – 14:55 The Introduction of Machine Translation at Credit Suisse
Philipp Ursprung
14:55  – 16:05 Panel Debate – The Future of Translation

moderated by João Esteves-Ferreira

… kicked off by a short Discussion Firework talk:

Neocortical Computing: Next Generation Machine Translation
Andrzej Zydroń

 16:05 – 16:25  Break
 16:25 – 16:55 Recommendations for Translation Environments to Improve Translators’ workflows
Jan Van den Bergh

On the TAUS Quality Dashboard

moderated by Paola Valli

 16:55 – 17:25 Going global? Let’s measure your product for World-readiness!
Kshitij Gupta
 17-25 – 17:30 Conference close