Olaf-Michael Stefanov

Asling Vice-President


Olaf-Michael Stefanov is an IT professional with a strong focus on multilingualism. During 36 years on staff at the United Nations he managed various information-technology related areas, the last being Library and Linguistic Support for Vienna headquarters, which included reference and terminology support for the editorial, translation and interpretation sections.

Having introduced the first completely web-based multilingual terminology database handling Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic and Latin scripts for input, query, and output, VINTARS, he presented it at Translating and the Computer – 20, in 1998. He also introduced digital dictation and voice-recognition into the translation workflow of several international and multinational organizations.

Although retired from the UN he continues to serve in the site administration and management of JIAMCATT, an information exchange among governmental and intergovernmental language professionals, serves as co-moderator of the JIAMCATT Working Group on Standards and Interoperability and has implemented multilingual Web 2.0 and CMS tools for JIAMCATT.

He is also active in Tiki, a leading open source CMS, Wiki and Groupware tool and was active in drafting the ITS 2.0 (Internationalization Tag Set) standard under the aegis of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 2013.

He has been a member of the Programme Committee of FEISGILTT since 2012.

He is co-founder, Vice President and coordinateur of AsLing, the International Association for Language Technology which took over the Translating and the Computer conference series from ASLIB in 2014.

Having served as co-chair of conferences in this series from 2000 he served as lead chair in 2013. For TC37, 2015, the second conference in this series run by AsLing, he was conference coordinator.

Based in Vienna, Olaf-Michael is actively engaged worldwide in a variety of multilingual projects and conferences.