Call for proposals

Deadline for submissions of papers and workshop and panel proposals closed on 26 July.  The Submission system for TC43 is still open, but only for the submission of Final Papers (full presentations, poster-presentations and post-panel-discussion papers for the Proceedings of TC43). For how to submit these final papers, refer to the Final Submission Guidelines.

The TC43 conference took the form of peer-reviewed presentations and posters and features panel discussions and workshops.

Conference topics

Contributions were invited on any topic related to the technologies used in translation and interpreting, including, but not limited to translation environment and interpreting tools:

  • Translation Memory software
  • Terminology Management systems
  • Machine Translation solutions
  • Multilingual Corpora
  • Quality Assessment and Control, as well as
  • Interoperability
  • Subtitling
  • Natural Language Processing for translation and interpreting
  • Localisation, and
  • Translation Workflow and Management.

Other important topics were:

  • training (both initial and continuous)
  • the influence of artificial intelligence on the rapidly changing translation and interpreting industry
  • the ergonomics and suitability of tools and resources to facilitate collaboration between translators and translation companies, and
  • new mobile technologies applied to translation and interpreting
  • how the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on our industry is being addressed by stakeholders.

This conference featured a special session on the deployment and the technical implementation of tools in support of interpreters, and how these influence their daily work. 

Submissions (closed)

AsLing invited proposals for original unpublished papers and posters, as well as workshop and discussion panel proposals. Papers and posters may report on research, commercial translation and interpretation products or user experience, and should fit in one of the following four categories:

  • Proposal for a presentation at the conference and a paper for publication in the conference Proceedings. Papers of accepted proposals will be expected to adhere to the academic style guidelines, and will be published in the conference Proceedings with an assigned ISBN.
  • Proposals for a talk at the conference about new and innovative procedures and concepts, and on all aspects of user experiences with new and evolving translation and interpretation technologies. If accepted, such a proposal may optionally be accompanied by a paper for publication in the conference Proceedings. Authors will have the choice of submitting a paper following the academic style guidelines, or one expressing themselves more freely.
  • Proposals reporting original unpublished ideas or presenting an ongoing, evolving project may be submitted as a “Poster“. Note, though, that while judged against “poster” criteria, should it be accepted, the author will be expected to make a short presentation to conference participants, followed by a short Question & Answer session, not in the form of a large-format wall-mounted paper poster typical of in-person accademic conferences; the latter are not permitted at the venue. Subsequent “Poster” papers will be expected to adhere to the academic style guidelines, albeit will be shorter than full papers.
  • If you wish to hold a Workshop or wish to propose a Panel Discussion related to any of the above, please submit your proposal as a Workshop proposal, outlining what you wish to provide your workshop participants and which outcomes you expect as the result of your workshop, for participants as well as for you. While workshop authors may also submit a formal paper ahead of the conference, for inclusion in the conference Proceedings, AsLing will invite workshop moderators to provide a paper after the conference outlining what transpired during the workshop. Such post facto papers will be made accessible on the AsLing conference website.

Papers and posters may report on research, commercial translation and interpretation products or user experiences. Workshop reports should describe the outcome of what was achieved. Panels should be to discuss open or controversial issues related to the professional or to teaching or research curicula.

Papers (academic and non-academic) 

Authors were invited to submit an extended abstract (maximum of 750 words) of the paper they would like to present, together with a short 200-word abstract. A short biography and photos of all authors is also requested.

Although the extended abstract is limited to 750 words (longer papers will NOT be considered), it should provide sufficient information to allow evaluation of the submission by the programme committee.

The short abstracts, bios and photos of accepted papers are being used in the online programme and were used in event advertising.

Camera-ready versions of the accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings with an assigned ISBN number, subject to the presenter having duly registered for the conference. Their length should not exceed 5,000 words. (Authors should refer to the Final Submissions Guidelines in the For Speakers menu of this site.


Proposers are invited to submit an extended abstract of their poster not exceeding 750 words, together with a short 200-word version along with a short biography and photos of all authors for dissemination purposes. Camera-ready versions of the accepted posters will be published in the conference e-proceedings with an assigned ISBN number, subject to the presenter having duly registered for the conference. Their length should not exceed 2,000 words.

Workshops and Panels

Workshop proposals were limited to 750 words. They should describe the topic/goal of the workshop and provide an outline of how the proposed workshop will be structured. Proposers should also submit a 200-word version as well as a short biography and photos of all authors and moderators for dissemination purposes.

Panel proposals were also limited to 750 words. They should outline to theme of the panel, provide an outline of the key issues to be discussed, and give some initial recommendations of the types of panellists envisioned. The proposer(s) were asked to indicate the role, if any, they envision for themselves.

The Conference website provides formatting guidelines in the form of Word and LaTeX stylesheets. Academic papers and posters will be expected to adhere strictly to these guidelines. Papers relating to user experiences or other non-academic presentations will be permitted greater freedom. As papers on workshops will only be completed after the end of the conference, details of their format will be worked out with the moderators.

Submission procedure

Proposals should be submitted via the START conference submission system:

The system provides distinct submission pages for the following categories of submissions:
o Regular submission (closed)
o Non-academic submission (closed)
o Poster or short presentation (closed was open until 31 October 2021)
o Workshop proposal (closed)
o Discussion Panel proposal (closed)

Presenters who cannot use the START system, or prefer not to do so, have the option to submit their proposals and the requested documents (200 words short abstract, 750 words extended abstract, short biography and photo) directly by emailing submissions(at)


  • 26 July 2021 (extended from 30 June 2021) – Deadline for abstracts and papers and workshop and discussion panel proposals
  • 2 August 2021 – All authors notified of decision (NOTE: Authors who submit after 19 July may be notified only 1 week later)
  • 31 October 2021 – Deadline for abstracts for Posters and short papers for students’ special session
  • 9 November  2021 – All authors (of Posters for special session for students) notified of acceptance decision
  • the week of 1 November 2021 – All authors to submit their presentation materials (e.g. MS PowerPoint, OpenOffice, LibreOffice Impress,…)
  • the week of 15 November 2021 – specifically 16 – 18 November – Conference took place
  • originally the scheduled has said that approx. 10 days after end of conference – All authors who want their presentation published to submit the final text
  • 13 December 2021 -the revised deadline for authors who want their presentation, poster presentation or post-panel paper published in the Proceedings of TC43 to submit the final text