About the Association

For more about the Association, founded in June 2014 as an international non-profit association governed by Articles 60ff. of the Swiss Civil Code, registered in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, refer to:

This site provides links to the Proceedings and Programmes of all past TC conferences organised by AsLing.

Current activities

Preparations are under way for the 11th conference in this series to be organised by AsLing, the 46th Translating and the Computer Conference, TC46. It will take place once again as an in-person conference 18-20 November 2024 at the European Convention Center in Luxembourg (ECCL).

The button below lets you access the website of TC46. While this website is still somewhat “under development” it already provides a lot!

TC46 – 2024

Visit this URL to see TC46 developing.

The Call for Proposals is open there. Submissions can be made in one of the conference’s tracks: research, user experience or posters/short presentations, as well as for workshops and panels.

Registration is also now open there!

Past activities

Since its inception AsLing has now organized and hosted ten annual Translating and the Computer conferences, beginning with TC36 in 2014, up through the now completed TC45, which ended on 22 Nov 2023.

The 42nd and 43rd Translating and the Computer Conferences, TC42 and TC43, took place online. Slides and videos of these events have been uploaded to the conference sites. For other conferences slides are available; video recordings only in some cases. Proceedings are available for TC42 through TC44; those for TC45 are in preparation.