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TRANSLATING AND THE COMPUTER CONFERENCE 2024 (TC46) – Call for Presentations and Papers

“Navigating the future of language: Innovation, integration, inspiration”

Embracing innovation in language technologies – From AI to traditional practices -, TC46 welcomes submissions on a broad spectrum of topics related to language technologies in the provision of language services. While there is a special emphasis on the advancements and implications of AI and Generative AI, we strongly encourage contributions that cover a wide range of interests and perspectives in the language services field. Whether you are deeply involved in AI-driven projects or are focused on traditional or emerging practices independent of AI, your insights are invaluable.

Initial submission deadline 30 May 2024

New submission deadline 30 June 2024

Extended submission deadline  15 July 2024

New extended submission deadline 31 July 2024

Key areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Innovations in machine translation and AI-driven tools – Exploring the latest in AI and its applications in language services.
• Traditional and emerging practices among language service providers – Highlighting effective methodologies and approaches that continue to be relevant in the digital age.
• Bridging AI and non-AI practices – Integrating cutting-edge AI technologies with traditional language services for enhanced outcomes.
• NLP and semantic technologies – Their role in language processing, whether AI-driven or not.
• Quality management – From AI-enhanced tools to traditional quality assurance methods.
• Workflow management tools – Integrating management tools in language and production processes
• Training and education for language professionals – Addressing the evolving needs in training for both AI and non-AI focused professionals.
• Non-AI tools and resources in language services – Showcasing innovations and best practices in tools and resources that do not rely on AI.
• Ethical and cultural considerations in language technologies – Exploring the impact of both AI and non-AI technologies on ethical and cultural aspects of translation and interpreting.
• Collaborative projects and interdisciplinary approaches – Encouraging submissions that showcase the synergy between AI-based and traditional methodologies in language services.

• Call for papers’ deadline: 30 May 2024 |Extended to June 30th | New extended deadline 15 July 2024New extended deadline 31 July 2024

• Proposals for workshops/panels: 1 July 2024 Extended to 15 August 2024

• Poster/Short talks submission deadline: 1 July 2024 Extended to 15 July 2024 New extended deadline 31 July 2024

Submit your proposal today!
For further information, please email tc46-info(at)asling.org.

… critical reviews and discussions on
• The broader impact of technological advancements, including AI, on the language industry.
• The broader impact of technological advancements, including AI, on the education and training of language professionals.
• The integration and coexistence of AI with traditional practices in language professions.
• Challenges and opportunities in adopting AI for language service providers who are new to these technologies.
• Future trends and directions in translation and interpreting, with or without the influence of AI.

• Innovative research: Ground-breaking studies that push the boundaries of language technologies.
• Practical applications: Real-world case studies showcasing AI integration in diverse language professions.
• Interactive workshops and panels: Engaging discussions on current and controversial issues in language technologies and AI.
• Posters and short talks: Summaries of ongoing research or new ideas in the realm of language and AI.

TRANSLATING AND THE COMPUTER CONFERENCE 2024 (TC46) – Call for Presentations and Papers

“Navigating the future of language: Innovation, integration, inspiration”

Embracing innovation in language technologies – From AI to traditional practices -, TC46 welcomes submissions on a broad spectrum of topics related to language technologies in the provision of language services. While there is a special emphasis on the advancements and implications of AI and Generative AI, we strongly encourage contributions that cover a wide range of interests and perspectives in the language services field. Whether you are deeply involved in AI-driven projects or are focused on traditional or emerging practices independent of AI, your insights are invaluable.

Key areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Innovations in machine translation and AI-driven tools – Exploring the latest in AI and its applications in language services.
• Traditional and emerging practices among language service providers – Highlighting effective methodologies and approaches that continue to be relevant in the digital age.
• Bridging AI and non-AI practices – Integrating cutting-edge AI technologies with traditional language services for enhanced outcomes.
• NLP and semantic technologies – Their role in language processing, whether AI-driven or not.
• Quality management – From AI-enhanced tools to traditional quality assurance methods.
• Workflow management tools – Integrating management tools in language and production processes
• Training and education for language professionals – Addressing the evolving needs in training for both AI and non-AI focused professionals.
• Non-AI tools and resources in language services – Showcasing innovations and best practices in tools and resources that do not rely on AI.
• Ethical and cultural considerations in language technologies – Exploring the impact of both AI and non-AI technologies on ethical and cultural aspects of translation and interpreting.
• Collaborative projects and interdisciplinary approaches – Encouraging submissions that showcase the synergy between AI-based and traditional methodologies in language services.

We also welcome critical reviews and discussions on
• The broader impact of technological advancements, including AI, on the language industry.
• The broader impact of technological advancements, including AI, on the education and training of language professionals.
• The integration and coexistence of AI with traditional practices in language professions.
• Challenges and opportunities in adopting AI for language service providers who are new to these technologies.
• Future trends and directions in translation and interpreting, with or without the influence of AI.

We invite
• Innovative research: Ground-breaking studies that push the boundaries of language technologies.
• Practical applications: Real-world case studies showcasing AI integration in diverse language professions.
• Interactive workshops and panels: Engaging discussions on current and controversial issues in language technologies and AI.
• Posters and short talks: Summaries of ongoing research or new ideas in the realm of language and AI.

Submissions can be made in one of the conference’s tracks: research, user experience or posters/short presentations.

We invite original, unpublished contributions, including research studies, analyses of commercial products or user experiences, irrespective of their focus on AI. Workshops and panels should aim to provide insights and foster discussions on both AI-driven and traditional practices in language professions.

Proposals should be submitted via the START conference submission system: https://www.softconf.com/n/tc2024. Presenters who cannot use the START system, or prefer not to do so, have the option to submit their proposals and accompanying documents directly to TC46 by emailing submissions(at)asling.org.

Your Insight Could Lead the Next Breakthrough in Translation Technology!

As we draw closer to finalizing our dynamic lineup of presentations and workshops, this is your last chance to contribute to the conversation at this year’s ASLING Conference. Are you working on innovative translation tools, groundbreaking research in computational linguistics, or have insights into AI’s role in translation? We want to hear from you!

Submit your paper and join a community eager to explore new horizons in translation technology. Don’t miss this opportunity to influence industry practices, share your knowledge, and network with peers.

Deadlines approaching—submit your abstract today and be a part of shaping the future of translation!

Last Update: 13 July 2024