Honorary Members

AsLing’s statutes provide for the awarding of Honorary membership to natural or legal persons nominated as eminent in one or more of the fields of competence of the association, whom the Executive Committee wishes to invite to strengthen the Association, or in recognition of past services. AsLing has awarded honorary membership to the following persons:

2014 — John Hutchins – for his invaluable work in establishing and maintaining the Machine Translation Archives (while he was alive its URL was http://www.mt-archive.info/ <– this link no longer works; see EAMT-maintained link below) which, among other contents, is a repository for talks and papers given at all past Translating and the Computer conferences (1978-2016). Unfortunately, John Hutchins passed away in January 2021. Before his death he had passed on responsibility for maintaining the MT-Archives to the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT). EAMT now hosts the Machine Translation Archives at https://mt-archive.net/ . This is an archived version of John Hutchins’ site, and thus covers conferences such as Translating and the Computer only until 2016. EAMT is also working on a new version of these archives.

2015 — Alan K. Melby – for his work to establish standards for terminology and translation which are a key bedrock upon which the (computer) tools supporting the translation of texts between languages depend. Alan is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at Brigham Young University (USA), and a member of the Council of FIT, the International Federation of Translators. He has been involved in the development of translation and interpreting-related standards since the 1980s and is currently part of the team that is updating the ISO TBX (TermBase eXchange) standard. Alan co-authored the first version of the TMX standard for exchanging translation memories. He is also a member of the development teams revising two major international translation process standards, incl. ISO 17100, and part of the team developing a new American standard that will facilitate the assessment of translation quality. Most recently, at TC43, Alan, co-presented Who Needs an MQM Scorecard? and co-moderated a panel discussion “Unedited (raw) Machine Translation: Strengths and Limitations in your Use Case“, so he clearly remains very active in AsLing matters.

2016 — David Chambers – for his work in structuring and formalizing the interorganisational cooperation among the language services of international organisations and multilateral bodies to share information and experiences about tools for translation, terminology and interpretation and to assist these organisations to work with the academic and research communities. David worked for over 20 years with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialised agency of the United Nations in Geneva, initially as Head of the Patent Translation Section and subsequently as Head of the Language Division responsible for the Organization’s translation and interpretation activities. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIoL) in the United Kingdom.

All three also have been associated with the Translating and the Computer conference series over many years.

This page last updated 13 July 2024 (to correct URL for mt-archive.net)