REGISTRATION FOR SPONSOR REPS – Registrations become firm once AsLing has confirmed payment.

AsLing Gold Sponsors are entitled to 3, Silver Sponsors to 2, and Bronze Sponsors to a single representative at no further cost.

Gold Sponsors are entitled to 3, Silver Sponsors to 2, and Bronze Sponsors to a single representative at no further cost, as this is included in your Sponsorship contract with AsLing. If you are above this quota of included representative, please return to the previous form. Additional persons need  to pay a modest contribution to the conference costs (catering for coffee/tea breaks, lunches, and various administrative costs) of EUR 190 per participant.

Furthermore, to also attend the NETWORKING DINNER for TC45 on the evening of 20 November (Day 1 of the conference) at a restaurant close to the conference venue, we also require EUR 55 per person. Places are restricted and will be assigned on a first-come (meaning first-paid), first-serve basis. Please fill in the form below, only if you are registering as a Sponsor’s representative within your firm’s Sponsorship agreement. Otherwise, return to the basic registration form here.

    Registration for TC45 – 20-22 November 2023 in Luxembourg

    Do you need an invoice (or does an emailed payment request suffice)? *

    As requested, you will also receive an invoice by email.

    Do you wish to take part in the Networking Dinner (on Day-1, 20 November 2023)?

    Please pay EUR 190 to offset our basic administrative expenses for TC45.

    Please pay EUR 245 (EUR 190 to offset our basic administrative expenses for TC45, and EUR 55 to cover the costs for your Networking dinner).

    Please pay EUR 300 (EUR 190 to offset our basic administrative expenses for TC45, and EUR 55 each to cover the costs for your Networking dinner and dinner for your guest).

    SPECIAL CASE (Sponsor): As you registered as a Sponsor representative, and opted not to attend the Networking dinner you don’t need to pay anything.

    SPECIAL CASE (Sponsor): As you registered as a Sponsor representative your contribution to the basic administrative expenses is included in your Sponsorship contribution, as are the costs of your Networking dinner, so you don’t need to pay anything.

    SPECIAL CASE (Sponsor): As you registered as a Sponsor representative your contribution to the basic administrative expenses is included in your Sponsorship contribution, as are the costs for you to attend the Networking Dinner, but we need to ask you to pay EUR 55 to cover the costs for the Networking dinner for your guest.

    SPECIAL CASE (TC45-OC members): As you registered as a member of the TC45-OC or as a TC45 Team Member, and opted not to attend the Networking dinner you don’t need to pay anything.

    SPECIAL CASE (TC45-OC members): As you registered as a member of the TC45-OC or as a TC45 Team Member you pay no basic costs. Also the EUR 55 to cover the costs of your Networking dinner are being born by AsLing so you don’t need to pay anything.

    SPECIAL CASE (TC45-OC members): As you registered as a member of the TC45-OC or as a TC45 Team Member you pay no basic costs, nor the cost of your Networking Dinner, but still need to pay EUR 55 to cover the costs for the Networking dinner for your guest.

    Registration form 4 (2023), 28 September version (updating 12 August version only in notification emails; not in form)