Status: 18 November 2023
Non-commercial Workshops
TC45 offers five non-commercial workshops. See below for abstracts and details of these workshop moderators.
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Benefits to log in to IATE as external user: user preferences, bookmarks, saved queries, Download IATE
Workshop Moderator

Paula Zorrilla-Agut

Nadezhda Krasteva-Schaefer
Paula Zorrilla-Agut
After having worked as an in-house and freelance translator for almost 10 years, Paula Zorrilla Agut joined the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union in 2008 as a terminology coordinator. In her 15 years of career at the Translation Centre in Luxembourg, Paula has worked as a terminology coordinator, translation workflow administrator, translator and coordinator of the IATE Support & Development Team. She was appointed IATE Tool Manager in September 2017 and also chairs the interinstitutional IATE Management Group.
Nadezhda Krasteva-Schaefer
Born in Sofia (Bulgaria), Nadezhda Krasteva-Schaefer studied law at the Sofia University and the University of Hamburg. She joined the European Parliament in 2007 and worked in the Bulgarian Translation Unit as a translator and reviser, mainly of legal texts, terminologist, Policy Sector Correspondent of Policy sectors BC and liaison on legal matters for Directorate B Translation and for the EP lawyer-linguists. In 2021, Nadezhda followed her passion for terminology and joined the Terminology Coordination Unit at the EP, in which she works as a central terminology coordinator and a general supervisor of the academic network “Terminology without Borders”. At interinstitutional level, she chairs the Central Terminology Coordinators and represents DG TRAD in the IATE Management Group and its workforces.
This workshop will show how external users can connect to IATE and will highlight the benefits of logging in. While IATE is publicly accessible and users can run searches without creating an account or logging in, additional features are available to external users that log in with an external EU Login account: they can set user preferences, save your favourite entries using bookmarks or download subsets of IATE data.
More specifically, during the workshop, external users will be introduced to the following features available for logged users:
- Setting of user preferences – how to set your search criteria, including your source and target language(s), and how to choose among different visualisations of the results (standard view versus interpreters’ view) and the full entry view
- Bookmarks – how to save your favourite entries and create lists of bookmarked terms
- Possibility to save frequent queries
- Download IATE – a unique possibility for external users to export terms of interest with limited metadata. More specifically, you can:
- generate an export in CSV or TBX3 on the basis of collections you have found in IATE
- generate an export in CSV or TBX3 applying specific filters (e.g. domain)
- download even the entire IATE without any filtering.
The terms and conditions for how to use the exported data will also be presented.
The workshop will be presented in an interactive way and will be accompanied by a series of exercises for the participants.
Co-presented by Nadezhda KRASTEVA-SCHAEFER (European Parliament, DGTRAD) and Paula ZORRILLA-AGUT (Translation Centre, IATE Team)
This workshop moderator will also moderate the workshop “IATE public search widget“
IATE Public Search widget
Workshop Moderator

Paula Zorrilla-Agut

Maurizio Fusillo
Released in June 2023, the IATE search widget allows any interested party to search and display European Union multilingual terminology from IATE on their own website, platform or blog by embedding a piece of code. The widget queries IATE public data and does not require any login.
In this workshop, we will present the search widget, together with the set of templates that are made available to users to address various use cases with the IATE look and feel. Since the widget is fully customisable we will guide you through the various possibilities to match the search criteria and labels which are more suitable for your target users and how to adjust it to the design of the platform it is placed on.
The workshop will be co-presented by Paula Zorrila-Agut, IATE Tool Manager/IATE Support & Development Team Coordinator, and Maurizio Fusillo, the IATE Support & Development Team front-end specialist.
Paula Zorrilla-Agut
After having worked as an in-house and freelance translator for almost 10 years, Paula Zorrilla Agut joined the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union in 2008 as a terminology coordinator. In her 15 years of career at the Translation Centre in Luxembourg, Paula has worked as a terminology coordinator, translation workflow administrator, translator and coordinator of the IATE Support & Development Team. She was appointed IATE Tool Manager in September 2017 and also chairs the interinstitutional IATE Management Group.
Maurizio Fusillo
IATE Support & Development Team front-end specialist
With a background in programming and design, Maurizio Fusillo worked in Italy, in the UK and in Sweden as a freelance web developer before transitioning to academia, where he taught Web Design. In 2016 he joined the European Parliament’s Terminology Coordination Unit as a trainee, and since 2017 he is the lead front-end developer in the IATE Support & Development Team.
In this interactive workshop, we will present the search widget, together with the set of templates that are made available to users to cover various use cases with the IATE look and feel. Since the widget is fully customisable we will guide participants through the various possibilities to adapt the search criteria and labels to the needs of the target users and to adjust the widget to the design of the platform it is placed on.
We will start by guiding the participants through the simple installation of the IATE widget in a local html file, and showing them how to move the widget to a different position in the page (this example is based on questions received from users while installing the widget).
We will continue showing the embedded CSS file and asking the participants to copy a CSS class in the html file and change the color of one element.
Once the participants are familiar with these basics, we will show how to download the widget templates from IATE (no login needed) and we will run together some exercises to customise further the provided templates. List of examples:
- From an existing template, rename the label of a field / localise a label
- Restrict the options available for selection in a particular field
- Delete one of the fields from the form
- Hide a field so that users cannot modify its value, while keeping a selected default value in the background
- Define preset values for the various fields and run a query automatically
After having gone through these exercises together with the participants, we will present the full template (containing all available search criteria and filters) and show participants where to find more information on how to adjust the widget to their audience needs.
An overview of the other sample templates will also be given.
After having attended the workshop, participants will have a concrete idea on how to integrate the IATE plugin in a website, which search criteria and fields are available and how to customise them to better respond to their users’ needs.
IATE Support & Development Team
This workshop moderator will also moderate the workshop
“Benefits to log in to IATE as external user: user preferences, bookmarks, saved queries, Download IATE“
LLMs applied to technical translation: an expanding landscape
Workshop Moderator

Martin Chamorro
In 2023, a paradigm shift occurred with the widespread integration of artificial intelligence (AI). The world has embraced this revolution, making AI an inevitable part of our lives. These technologies have been around for a while, but they have only recently become more usable, enabling a great opportunity to leverage AI to improve our work, where applicable.
This is part one of a two-part presentation that will cover key concepts of large language models (LLMs), prompt engineering, and AI operations in the context of human- and machine-generated informative/technical texts and translations, mainly in the English-Spanish LatAm combination. It will also include practical applications of specialised software resources, available for free and by subscription, for informative/technical texts and translations. It will conclude with reflections on the latest developments, short to mid-term needs in the translation sphere, recommended reference sources, and a Q&A session for audience insights and questions. The main premise is that these developments are already widespread, and LLMs are just the beginning of an array of targeted uses and platforms that continue to expand exponentially as of the second semester of 2023.
More information on this workshop
[to follow soon]
This workshop moderator will also moderate the workshops:
Is PEMT the new PEMT? Adding prompt-engineering to post-editing machine translation
Workshop Moderator

Martin Chamorro
In 2023, a paradigm shift occurred with the widespread integration of artificial intelligence (AI). The world has embraced this revolution, making AI an inevitable part of our lives. These technologies have been around for a while, but they have only recently become more usable, enabling a great opportunity to leverage AI to improve our work, where applicable.
This is part two of a two-part presentation. This second module will include practical applications of specialised software resources, available for free and by subscription, for informative/technical texts and translations, mainly in the English-Spanish LatAm combination. These will include text processing programs, web platforms, web and local plugins and specialised apps. It will conclude with reflections on the latest developments, short to mid-term needs in the translation sphere, recommended reference sources, and a Q&A session for audience insights and questions. The main premise is that these developments are already widespread, and LLMs are just the beginning of an array of targeted uses and platforms that continue to expand exponentially as of the second semester of 2023. Note: this presentation could be held either in-person or remotely.
More information on this workshop
[to follow soon]
CAT tool + MT + AI: More than Meets the Eye
Workshop Moderator

Martin Chamorro
Hi, my name is Martín and I am a big fan of CAT tools. Whenever colleagues ask me what my favourite CAT tool is, I say Trados Studio; and whenever someone asks me for a friendly match, I invariably say Wordfast. And these past times I have been discovering more and more interesting tools.
On top of that, this year 2023 has been full of news on technology advancements, more specifically on AI, which of course can be applied to translation. In this presentation we will do a brief introduction on how to get to our CAT tool Editor view just to get to the centre of the workshop, which will consist in processing some samples of technical texts to be translated between English and Spanish using MT plus some AI applications specifically tailored for translators and linguists.
More information on this workshop
[to follow soon]