Exciting news: Four new pages are now visible to give you more info about TC45!
Those of you who’ve already registered, and those of you are waiting for this moment – it is now here!
You can see details of most presentations and both panels.
Last updated: 20 September 2023
All presentations:
Keynotes, full and short length talks
- Titles in alphabetical order
- Author’s and co-authors’ pictures and bios
- Abstract of each presentation
TC45 is scheduling five non-commercial workshops
(Sponsors’ events’ workshops – when available)
- Benefits to log in to IATE as external user
- IATE Public Search widget
- LLMs applied to technical translation: an expanding landscape
- Is PEMT the new PEMT? Adding prompt-engineering to post-editing machine translation
- Wordfast + MT + AI: More than Meets the Eye
A gallery of pictures of authors, co-authors and workshop moderators
In alphabetical order, with their portrait pictures (for Panel Moderators and Panellist, see the Panels page)
- A Picture Gallery of author’s and co-authors’ pictures in alphabetical order by their surnames
- Clicking a picture links to their bio and the abstract of the presentation they authored or co-authored