Day 2 – 25 November – Morning (Status: 24 November)

NOTE: These links will become active only on the morning of 25 November

Scroll right and left on narrow devices to see events in the 3 rooms: Room-2, Room-E and Room-B

Room 2 (level 0) Room E (level 1) Room B (level 0)
09:00-11:00Chair: Vilelmini Sosoni
09:00-09:30Raluca-Maria Chereji and Justus Brockmann: The use of speech technologies in translation, revision, and post-editing machine translation (PEMT)
09:30-10:00Cihan Ünlü: Investigating the use of speech technologies in consecutive interpreting: A pilot study on ASR-enhanced CAI tool prototype ‘Sight-Terp’
10:00-11:00Keynote Address
Valter Mavrič: Accessibility for the deaf and hard of hearing through language technology: real-time speech-to-text and machine translation tool of the European Parliament
11:00-11:30Health Break
11:30-13:30Chair: Ruslan Mitkov
11:30-12:00Elisa Di Nuovo: Error analysis of real-time speech machine translation in the context of the European Parliament’s Innovation Partnership

12:00-12:30Dinara Akmurzina: Error Analysis for Machine Translated text from English into Kazakh
12:30-13:00Emmanuelle Esperança-Rodier: A Study on the worthiness of MWE manually-annotated corpora to train Neural Networks to detect MWEs
13:00-13:30Juan Carlos Gil-Berrozpe: HypoLexicon – A Terminological Resource for Describing Hyponymic Information
09:00-10:00Chair: Olaf-Michael Stefanov
09:00-10:00WORKSHOP on Reference data: Building and using for your localisation projects

Moderators: Denis Dechandon, Liena Muižniece, Mihai Puanescu, Lucy Walhain

10:00-11:00Keynote Address (on screen)
Valter Mavrič: Accessibility for the deaf and hard of hearing through language technology: real-time speech-to-text and machine translation tool of the European Parliament
11:00-11:30Health Break
11:30-13:30Chair: Vilelmini Sosoni
11:30-11:45Olga Egorova: Algorithms and technologies of training translators and interpreters for the Industry 4.0 Economy
11:45-12:00Anna Setkowicz-Ryszka: Peculiarities of Polish academic legal writing in English translation: field experts vs. algorithms

12:00-13:30PANEL DISCUSSION: Past, present and future of speech technologies in translation


Moderator: Dragoș Ciobanu


Panellists: Julián Zapata, Carlos Teixeira, Marcin Feder, Alina Secară

09:00-10:00 Star (Gold Sponsor) Workshop::
Improve automatically MT output with built-in knowledge of your terminology and check terminology accuracy easily with STAR’s language technology STAR Transit & STAR Translate


Moderator: Judith Klein

[Room unavailable]

11:00-11:30 Health Break
11:30-12:30 Terminotix (Gold Sponsor): Workshop 3:
Reduce search time by half with bilingual concordance engines: LogiTerm and WeBiSearch

Moderator: François Richard

12:30-13:30 Terminotix (Gold Sponsor): Workshops 1 & 2:
(see Schedule for when originally scheduled on 24 Nov-Afternoon)

Moderator: François Richard

13:30-14:30 Lunch