Submission Guidelines for Papers and Poster Papers

Final submissions should be submitted via the START conference submission system. The submission deadlines for papers to be published in the Proceedings of TC45 are the following:
  • For papers related to academic submissions – extended initially by 1 month to 13 December, then by another 1.5 months to 31 January 2024 and is now extended by another month to 29 February 2024 (from”the week of 6 November 2023, i.e., by 13 November 2023)”;

  • Papers for Posters, regardless whether submitted by 10 September or by the extended deadline of 31 October, are now also extended to 29 February 2024 ;

  • For post facto papers reporting on the results of Workshops and Panels – “the week of 4 December 2023has also been extended, like all other submission deadlines to 29 February 2024;

  • As non-academic / user papers , similarly to papers reporting on Workshops and Panels, also will not undergo peer review, authors or these optional papers were originally given until the week of 4 December 2023“; this has now also been extended like all other submissions to 29 February 2024.

    As was the case for 2021 and 2022, AsLing will provide a separate site for authors to upload final manuscripts of academic papers or final versions of poster papers following peer review. This will be announced to authors when they receive the feedback of their peer reviews.

    Submissions can be edited or corrected up until the deadline.
Authors should please check out the templates and other instructions they will be expected to adhere to when preparing and submitted their final papers and posters. To assist authors, we provide links to these, below.

Templates and Submission Instructions for E-Proceedings 2023

Manuscripts of all final papers and posters must be submitted using one of the template formats provided here. For papers the word limit is 5,000 words, while for poster papers the limit is 2,000 words; word limits EXCLUDE references and the abstract which should be between 150 and 200 words.

Formal papers describing workshops should adhere to the rules applicable for final papers connected to talks. Non-academic papers expanding on user session talks should follow the same general format as other final papers, starting with an abstract, followed by the body of the paper and ending with (in these cases, optional) references and bibliography. The body of non-academic papers may be structured freely. A summing up or conclusions section as the final part of the body is desirable in these papers, but not mandatory.

TC45 provides this description as Microsoft Word templates (both .docx and .doc versions). Users of OpenOffice and/or LibreOffice should be able to open MS-Word templates in their software.

  • Microsoft Word templates and formatting instructions
    • tc45(Word).zip – contains all of the following 5 files
    • docx – in MS-Word 2007 and newer format. This document contains the formatting instructions for preparing a camera-ready version of papers accepted for publication at the TC45 conference. The document itself conforms to its own specifications, and is therefore an example of what your manuscript should look like. Authors are asked to conform to all the directions reported in this document.
    • dotx – template for use in MS-Word 2007 and newer versions to format your manuscript.
    • doc – in MS-Word 97-2003 format. Otherwise the same as tc45.docx.
    • dot – template for use in MS-Word 97-2003 to format your manuscript.
    • tc45(Word).pdf – output in Portable Document format, of tc45.docx.

Final paper and poster manuscripts should be submitted via the START conference submission system. Please upload your final manuscripts or final versions of poster papers at:

Your submission should be directly accessible by any author registered in the original proposal via its title in the “Your submission(s)” list.

You do not need to access it via the “Access to submissions using the passcode” route. Should you wish to, nevertheless, please refer to your original submission mails, or the mail in which we confirmed acceptance of your proposal. You may also contact us at, allowing 1-2 days to retrieve your passcode.

Select your submission, then chose the menu option which appears:

Final submission: Submit your Final submission.

Please make sure you have used the above links to read the instructions and use the correct format templates or style sheets for your final manuscripts, before you upload the final versions of your paper or poster.

WHAT WILL BE REQUIRED for the Final Submission

  1. You have the option to edit the Title and Short Abstract that you entered for your original submission.
  2. (Please note that changes to the list of co-authors or, if necessary, to your extended abstract, can only be made by sending these to us at and are subject to AsLing approval. Make sure you include tc45, the Submission number, and at least the surname of the corresponding author in the Subject text of your mail. Note too, that the authors names in the paper and in the START system must match.)
  3. You will also be required to upload a file containing the biography text (yours and that of any/all co-authors). You may provide the same file you uploaded for your initial submissions, limiting the text, per author, to a maximum of 500 words.
  4. You may also upload new, revised digital photos of yourself and of your co-author(s), for use on our site as well as in the Authors section of the conference proceedings. If you wish us to use the photo(s) you uploaded for the initial submission, please indicate. In the case of multiple authors, please combine the image files of all authors into an archive file (zip, rar, tar, tgz, tgz2, or similar format).
  5. The editable version of your final paper/Poster as above.

Final submissions may be edited or corrected up until the respective submission deadline (see above).

Only full and posters papers meeting all submission guidelines, submitted by the deadline, for which at least one of the authors has duly registered will be included for publishing in the E-Proceedings of the 45th Translating and the Computer Conference Proceedings 2023, which will be published with an ISBN number.